MSS Suppressor Shield Pre-Treat Kit


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Modern Spartan Systems Suppressor Shield Pre-Treat Kit

Removing the atomized matrix of carbon and lead fouling from suppressors and compensators is extremely hard to do but is necessary to maintain proper functionality and protect the investment. The Spartan Suppressor Shield Pre-Treat Kit , featuring our break-thru formulas Carbon Destroyer XX (2oz), Nothing Left(2oz) and Accuracy Oil(2oz), is designed to PRE-TREAT “CLEAN” SUPPRESSORS (new or used) and MAKE FUTURE CLEANING SIGNIFICANTLY EASIER, as well as extend asset life.

The results of using this kit as described in the instructions include extended optimal performance and an indefinite lifespan for your suppressors and compensators. This kit is designed to slow down the build-up of fouling and make removing carbon and lead fouling significantly easier and much faster. It will work best on new open cans but may also be used on sealed cans that are or can be cleaned.

Features of Modern Spartan Systems Suppressor Shield Pre-Treat Kit

  • Dramatically increased speed and ease of future cleanings
  • Improved operation and performance
  • When used properly it can extend the life of the suppressor indefinitely
  • People and environment safe formulas

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