A Tactical Advantage
How the Hard Charger® gives you the edge in a Tactical Environment
The speed you can clear a malfunction or charge a new round in to the chamber during a tactical engagement can literally mean life or death. Is the charging handle that you have built and designed for just this?
What if you only have one hand to use and need to cycle a round? Running behind a shield in a tight environment? Can you charge your rifle off a static object like a door frame, or use your pocket, gear or even just your forearm?
The Hard Charger® was specifically designed for these possibilities and many more! Built-in design also greatly reduce the chances of failure with your charging handle that have been known to often occur in a tactical environment and greatly increase your chances of survival should what we all never hope to happens, does.
Gloved Hands
We all pretty much run in a tactical situation with gloves on – and we all know how much of a pain in the butt they are when you need to use your charging handle. This causes us to pull focus and use fine motor skills which we know is no good. Gross motor skills and muscle memory is the key for tactical engagements. You need to process what you are engaging and not focus on the little things.
The Hard Charger® is specially designed to be run with gloves. It’s side charger application with self-disengaging and dual support design make muscle memory and gross motor skills a breeze. Not to mention the increased ergonomics and the pull handles are designed to be run with gloves of all styles, even the arctic gloves.
Switching shoulders when clearing rooms and corners is a must. Having the charging capability to run from both sides is obvious. I mean we all see it in the ambi-charging handles out there, right. The Hard Charger® is designed to perform this function by using gross motor skills and keeping control of the rifle without having to take it off target. It works the same as an AK-47, just in reverse.
Imagine getting stuck running from your weak side and your gas block goes. Now you have to rack a round after every shot. Can you do that with an ambi handle and maintain a solid positive control of the rifle and stay on target at the same time? With the Hard Charger® you can.
One handed off static object
We all that the chances of going down one handed are quite real. Hence why we train for it. If you find you need to charge a round due to malfunction, the plan is usually go to your secondary and stow the primary. Well, a few problems can happen. Secondary can be on the same side as the down arm. Makes the draw long, slow, and dangerous. Could end up not being able to go to secondary at all for a number of reasons, it’s hit, out of ammo, etc.
The Hard Charger® width and disengagement design allows you to charge it one handed off what ever you can find in front of you. A shield, door frame, table, your forearm, your pocket or gear, and the list goes on. Much, much faster and keeps your primary in the game.
Field Strippable
Being able to rapidly disassemble your rifle, take care of what you need, then reassemble is a must when in a tactical environment. If you’ve been in the sand, then you really know! The Hard Charger® field strips like a normal charging handle and reassembles just as easy. A problem that can be found with some of the built-in side chargers out there. We had to ensure this function was capable or else the product would not be built. It works perfectly!
The Hard Charger® was designed to cover the key issues that can arise in a tactical engagement. Lists were made of the issues, problems that happen, problems that can happen, and the Hard Charger® was made to fix or cover as many of these key elements as possible. The goal was to give you an advantage. That advantage can mean saving your life or the life of your partner or an innocent person- which is the outcome we all want.
With HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of 5-STAR ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ REVIEWS, if you are looking for a better option or to improve your capability, you need to check this system out!
Sign up here and get all of the ARTICLES and VIDEOS that go in more detail and depth about the Hard Charger®, it’s BENEFITS, and use in TACTICAL, COMPETITION SHOOTING and other environments.
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Stay Safe and God Bless!
Semper Fi
Camaron Hillman; Pres / CEO Devil Dog Concepts
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